Our Press
- Inclusive Conversations: How Curiosity Leads to Connection with Dr. Julie Pham on the Inclusive Dad with Aaron DeVries
- Fostering Genuine Curiosity and Building Trust at Work with Julie Pham on Happier at Work with
Aoife O’Brien - Mastering Workplace Respect: Julie Pham on Leadership, Curiosity, and the Seven Forms of Respect on the Positive Leadership Academy with Javier Llerena
- From Refugee to Leader: Julie Pham’s Journey on YTP Entertainment Podcast Interviews with Yehloe the Poet
- Curiosity and Respect: Dr. Julie Pham’s Entrepreneurial Journey from Vietnam to Entrepreneur on SpeakerUp International Podcast with Rita Burke & Ellington Brown
- Sidekick Sessions: Understanding Respect at Work with Dr. Julie Pham – BEATS WORKING Show
- Respect Reimagined: The Curiosity Play on Thanks for Coming Back with Dr. Latasha Nelson
- Curiosity and Respect in The Workplace on Never Been Promoted with Thomas Helfrich
- Central Washington Nonprofit Network 2024 Impact Report
- Use curiosity to unlock inclusion and cross-cultural success with Tamara Makoni (Kazuri Consulting)
- 2024 Trailblazing Women (Seattle Magazine)
- How investing in relationships pays off like compounding interest (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Breaking free workplace transformation with Julie Pham (Small Business Delivered)
- When a ‘no’ really isn’t as bad as it sounds (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Get stronger by asking for help (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Holiday gift giving that serves many purposes (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- What your company can learn from small family businesses (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- R.E.S.P.E.C.T. at Work with Dr. Julie Pham – BEATS WORKING Show
- Tips for a TEDx talk success – Dr. Julie Pham on Diary of a Speaker with Anthony Muiruri
- Leading Beyond Limits: Cultivating Creativity with guest Julie Pham on Leading Beyond Limits: Cultivating Creativity with Shawn Carney
- Julie Pham // On a mission of curiosity on iinfluence with Andrew McGee
- From Higher Ed to a Real-Life MBA & Landing Dream Jobs in a Recession Feat. Dr. Julie Pham on How I Made My Mind podcast with Sah Pham
- Good Trouble with Julie Pham, PhD on 5 Things In 15 Minutes The Podcast: Bringing Good Vibes to DEI with Bernadette Smith
- Unveiling the Agenda: Curiosity Under Attack with Dr. Julie Pham on KAJ Masterclass LIV with Khudania Ajay
- Exploring Multiple Truths Through Family History and Curiosity with Julie Pham on The Stories in Our Roots with Heather Murphy
- Exploring Respect with Jeff Gibbard hosted by Dr. Julie Pham
- Master the Art of Business Adaptation with Insights from Dr. Julie Pham on Boss Your Business® – The Entrepreneur Podcast with Yvonne Heimann
- Interview with Julie Pham on Elevate Podcast with Rachel Nussbaum
- R.E.S.P.E.C.T. at Work with Dr. Julie Pham (BEATS WORKING Show with Mark Wright)
- Interview with Dr Julie Pham (Sollucio with Mali Philliber)
- The Curiosity-Based Approach: Improving Workplace Relationships with Dr. Julie Pham (Author Factor with Mike Capuzzi)
- The Language of Respect: Julie Pham’s Insights on Communication, Boundaries, and Authenticity (The Fire Inside Her with Diane Schroeder)
- Curiosity-Based Leadership (Unbound with Chris DuBois)
- 7 Forms of Respect (Intentional Leadership with Sean Olson)
- Moving from Conflict to Curiosity in a Hierarchical Workplace (panel hosted by Attuned)
- Why are employees scared to ask questions? w/ Dr. Julie Pham (LeaderSeat with Nima Ataei)
- Meet 6 women of color-led startups that showed off their businesses in Seattle (Geekwire)
- Courageous Communication with Julie Pham (The Courage Effect with Suzanne Weller)
- Reducing Burnout: The 7 Forms of Respect For Nonprofit Leaders and Teams With Julie Pham (Nonprofit MBA with Stephen Halasnik)
- Beyond the Golden Rule Embracing the Rubber Band Rule with Dr Julie Pham (Evolving to Exceptional with Jessica Tietjen)
- How to Write a Job Proposal (and Land the Role You Want) (Harvard Business Review)
- Interview with Julie Pham (One Sharp Sword with Dr Wayne Pernell)
- Multiple Truths (Unpacking America with JD Easterling)
- Two Alumni Who Embody and Practice LT’s Values in Their Workplaces (Leadership Tomorrow)
- Fantastic Podcast Interview with Dr. Julie Pham and her new book “7 Forms of Respect.” (Book Party Podcast)
- How to Think about Respect Differently with Dr.Julie Pham (Up Your Total Glow with Ruth Balsiger)
- The Rubber Band Rule of Respect (The Nonprofit Exchange Podcast with Hugh Ballou)
- Creating Dialogue and Understanding in a Diverse Society (Becoming Bridge Builders with Keith Haney)
- RESPECT, Find Out What It Means To You Or: Safer Shores (Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories)
- Unveiling the 7 Forms of Respect: A Conversation with Dr. Julie Pham (Leveraging Leadership with Emily Sander)
- Leading with Curiosity with Dr. Julie Pham (Whole-hearted Leadership with Coen Tan)
- Help your team feel safe asking questions (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Redefining Respect and Encouraging Curiosity with Dr. Julie Pham (Perpetual mOetion With Dr mOe Anderson)
- Move beyond black-and-white thinking and appreciate complexity (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Creating a Culture of Curiosity: How Leaders Can Foster a Safe Environment for Questions with CuriosityBased’s Dr. Julie Pham (The Thoughtful Entrepreneur with Josh Elledge)
- CuriosityBased (Feng Shui Your Day with Kathryn Wilking)
- The Power of Curiosity in Building Relationships (Your Passion, Purpose and Personal Brand Podcast with Lisa McGuire)
- Why you feel disrespected and how to overcome it? (Rebel Curiosities with Pearl Lim)
- Changing the Conversation with Sandra Neumann
- The art of small talk (how to make any conversation interesting for you) (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- How to become a strong communicator!? (M.A.D. Talk)
- How to make your workday a learning experience (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Curiosity & Respect, with Julie Pham, PhD (Choose to be Curious #198 with Lynn Barton)
- Listeners sound off on a riveting show (Colors: A Dialogue on Race in America with J.J. Green)
- More Than Words, with Julie Pham (Eagle Center for Leadership)
- Expand your network through reciprocity (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Julie Pham and Kari Talk about Respect: Why it’s Important to Really Think About How We Show and Receive it (It’s Relatable)
- What will success feel like to you in 2023? (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Capstone Team Helps Company Save Valuable Time (University of Washington Information School)
- Learning to ask for help strengthens us as a community (Seattle Times)
- 7 Forms of Respect for More Effective Communication with Lindsay Lapaquette (Workplace Communication)
- A little curiosity can go a long way (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- “The Future of Workplace Wellness Author Summit” with Dr. Marie Gervais
- Transforming Your Communication and Relationships at Work with Geof Bowie
- Improving respect for yourself and others with Dr. Vic Stretcher (PurposeCast)
- The Remarkable Relationships Show with Mercy Russell
- 7 Forms of Respect (A Leadership Beyond podcast)
- Seattle writer and businesswoman Julie Pham’s book explores new ideas around culturally-relevant respect in the workplace (International Examiner)
- Use These 7 Forms of Respect to Transform Your Workplace with Dr. Julie Pham (The BetterManager Team)
- Julie Pham’s ‘7 Forms of Respect’ Explores New Ideas of Respect at Work (South Seattle Emerald)
- Interview with Julie Pham at Barnes & Noble (Mulki Mohamed/Runta News)
- 7 Forms of Respect with Tisha Held at Seattle Public Library
- 7 Forms of Respect with Geekwire Podcast
- Leadership Project with Mick Spiers
- Twins Talk It Up with Danny and David Suk Brown
- We Belong Here Podcast AANHPI Heritage Month with Frank Nam
- Foster Curiosity with Julie Pham (Marie Gervais/Shift Management)
- Founders Live interview with Nick Hughes
- The Vietnamese with Kenneth Nguyen
- Three dimensions of Respect: Communicating with junior developers
- Northwest Asian Weekly review of 7 Forms of Respect
- Educative Podcast (Goodbye Golden Rule, Hello Rubber Rule)
- Creating a Climate for DE&I: DEI Values in Action and 7 Forms of Respect™
- Hangout Habits “Curiosity, Respect, and Radical Career Shifts” with Swing Shift (Nancy Jensen)
- Diversity on Fire
- Inclusive History
- Colors: A Dialogue on Race
- “Return to Office? Some Women of Color Aren’t Ready.” (NYT, 6/23/21, Ruchikya Tulyshan)
- Female Firebrands “You’re Not “Woke,” You’re Awakening With Julie Pham”