Perfectionism can be a significant barrier to progress in the workplace. While it’s often said that “perfection is the enemy of good,” many people, especially leaders, fall into the trap of striving for perfection, which ultimately slows down progress. Overcoming perfectionism is crucial for personal productivity and workplace wellness, as it sets a standard that may lead employees to feel pressured to aim for perfection, too. In this post, you’ll learn four practical ways to let go at work, break free from perfectionism, and focus on progress instead.
1. What Actually Matters?
One of the first steps to letting go of perfectionism is prioritizing what truly matters. For instance, when preparing for a presentation, focus on delivering useful and valuable information that will be easy for people to understand, rather than obsessing over the perfect image or font. By asking yourself what actually matters, you can set more realistic goals and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your audience’s needs, not unattainable perfection.
2. Do I Want to Invite Feedback?
Perfectionism often involves seeking approval rather than feedback. If you’re focused on being perfect, you may avoid getting feedback because it could highlight imperfections. However, it’s important to invite feedback to improve your work. For example, as you prepare a presentation, intentionally leave room for imperfection to allow others to provide constructive feedback. This not only helps improve your work but also fosters a culture of learning and growth within your team.
3. What Else Could I Be Doing with My Time?
Perfectionism is time-consuming and exhausting. Ask yourself: what else could you be doing with your time? For example, preparing a presentation might take 10 hours to reach a B+ level, and another 10 hours to reach A+. Instead of spending those extra hours perfecting small details, consider dedicating that time to other projects that will help the team’s collective work. Focusing on progress over perfection will increase productivity and reduce burnout.
4. What Are the Consequences of Not Being Perfect?
The fear of letting people down or being criticized often drives perfectionism. However, it’s important to recognize that being imperfect isn’t a disaster. In fact, when you show your own imperfections, it makes others feel more comfortable being imperfect, too. This openness promotes a healthier, more collaborative environment where progress is prioritized over unattainable perfection.
Conclusion: Embrace Progress Over Perfection
By asking these four questions—focusing on what truly matters, inviting feedback, considering how you use your time, and evaluating the consequences of imperfection—you can reduce perfectionism and improve productivity. Shifting your focus from perfection to progress will make work more enjoyable and less stressful for both you and your team.
If you found these tips on practical ways to let go at work, break free from perfectionism, and focus on progress instead to be helpful, please like and share this post. You can also read a more detailed version of this on our blog at CuriosityBased.
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