False urgency occurs when people feel unnecessarily busy due to poor planning and unrealistic expectations. It’s easy to fall into a pattern where it feels like you’re always in a state of emergency, putting out fires instead of proactively preventing them. Here are three effective strategies for how to reduce false urgency at work and prevent burnout.
1. Set Realistic Expectations
The first step to reducing false urgency is setting realistic expectations. When planning a new project or campaign, it’s crucial to gather all the people involved and assess upcoming holidays, vacations, and other priorities. Don’t forget to consider any unknown factors, like new partners or processes, that could require extra buffer time. Setting clear expectations about deadlines is key.
It’s frustrating, when managers set unrealistic deadlines, such as needing something by Monday, although they won’t review the work until Thursday. It’s important to be realistic about when things need to be done. Setting realistic deadlines and response time expectations can prevent the sense of urgency that isn’t really necessary.Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and reduces unnecessary stress.
2. Communicate Response Time Expectations
When you don’t set clear expectations about response times, others may think a task is urgent when it isn’t. This can create unnecessary pressure for everyone involved. It’s important to be transparent about when you need something done and explain why it matters. Doing so will help others understand the urgency, or lack thereof, around a request.
3. Limit Off-Hours Communication
A lot of false urgency stems from around-the-clock communication. With technology making it easy to send emails and messages at any time, it’s easy to feel like you have to be “always on.” Dr. Pham suggests using technology to your advantage by limiting off-hours communication. For instance, if you’re working late and send an email at 11:00 p.m., it might create the expectation of a response immediately.
To manage this, use the “schedule send” feature on email.Schedule emails to be sent the following day when the workday starts. This helps set clear boundaries for work communication, ensuring it only takes place during work hours.
By following these three tips — setting realistic expectations, clearly communicating response times, and limiting off-hours communication — you can reduce false urgency at work and prevent burnout at work.
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